
samedi 30 juillet 2011

Claude Verlinde

Oeuvres supplémentaires ici :

claude verlinde aphrodite

claude verlinde liberté
La liberté

claude verlinde vice
Le vice

claude verlinde marchande d'illusion
La marchande d'illusion

claude verlinde mariage
Le mariage

claude verlinde marottes
Les marottes

claude verlinde folie
La folie

jeudi 28 juillet 2011

Julie Heffernan

julie heffernan illustration

julie heffernan illustration
Self portrait as Big House

julie heffernan illustration
Self portrait as World

julie heffernan illustration
Self portrait as Arms and the Men

julie heffernan illustration
Self portrait as Booty

julie heffernan illustration
Self portrait as Broken Home

julie heffernan illustration
Thing in forest

julie heffernan illustration

julie heffernan illustration

julie heffernan illustration

julie heffernan illustration

dimanche 24 juillet 2011

Brandi Milne

brandi milne painting
And the choir sings quiet

brandi milne painting
Almost there

brandi milne painting
Can you hear me

brandi milne painting
Carrossel flight (bunny legs)

brandi milne painting
Magic caaterpillar

brandi milne painting
Gone away

brandi milne painting
I can't see you

brandi milne painting
In the garden of plenty

brandi milne painting
Maggies gift

brandi milne painting
Maniac on sugar island

brandi milne painting
brandi milne painting
Mother's day

brandi milne painting
My pain

brandi milne painting
Naughty boy

brandi milne painting
Sugar head in the sky

brandi milne painting
There in time

brandi milne painting
The tin man pinata came to life

brandi milne painting

brandi milne painting

samedi 23 juillet 2011

Joanna Chrobak

Site :

joanna chrobak angelus

joanna chrobak painting
Bathsheba, Dalila, Judith

joanna chrobak nocturn
Procession I

joanna chrobak painting
Procession II

joanna chrobak painting
Procession III

joanna chrobak painting
Procession IV

joanna chrobak painting
Procession V

joanna chrobak painting
Procession VI

joanna chrobak painting
Procession VII
Procession IX
Procession XII


Missa Pro Pace

joanna chrobak salome

joanna chrobak eve
The fall of Eve

joanna chrobak painting