vendredi 11 mai 2012

Kate Baylay

Blog :

Circus by Tom Waits - "And I wish I had some whiskey and a gun my dear"

Georgy Porgy from More Tales of the Unexpected by Roald Dahl - "Thank you so much, Miss Roach," I said, "but I never touch alcohol in any form. Maybe a small glass of lemon squash"

"If You Don't Like It, Don't Listen" from a collection of Russian Fairy Tales

The Three Kingdoms from a collection of Russian Fairy Tales - Ivashko, sit on the thongs; "I will lower you, then you will come to three kingdoms, and in each of them you will see a maiden"

Original artwork for the cover of His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
The Bear from a collection of Russian Fairy Tales - "Only one woman is awake, sitting on my skin, spinning my fur, cooking my flesh!"

The Black Monk by Anton Chekhov - "A monk in black vestments, grey-haired and with black eye brows, his arms across his chest, flashed past, his bare feet did not touch the ground"

The Fox Physician from a collection of Russian Fairy Tales - "The old woman thought for a while, then seated herself in the bag. The old man took the bag in his teeth and began to climb to heaven."

The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde - "His face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the little Swallow was filled with pity"

William and Mary from Tales of the Unexpected by Roald Dahl - "Then very slowly, deliberately, she put the cigarette between her lips and took a long suck"

Saint Jerome

3 commentaires:

  1. Bonjour,
    Quels sont les auteurs des illustrations des contes russes svp ?
    Elles sont magnifiques! Par avance, merci.

  2. Bonjour Elsa,
    si votre question est : quels sont les auteurs des contes russes ? Hélas, je l'ignore.
    Mais si la question est : qui illustre ces contes, il s'agit de Kate Baylay (d'où l'entête du post consacré à Kate Baylay):)

  3. Pour avoir + d'infos, je vous conseille une visite sur son site, dont l'adresse est indiquée au début du post.
    Bien à vous.
